2011 Harvard in Hollywood

The Social Impact of Art, Media, and Entertainment

Saturday, October 29, 2011
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM**
Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel

The Arab Spring. Climate change. The economic crisis. As the world around us evolves, it naturally influences the stories we tell, both fact and fiction—and in turn, as artists, comedians, filmmakers and journalists reflect on the issues of the day, their work has the potential to shape society and alter the course of history. Come join our discussion about the iterative impact that art, media and entertainment have on the way we see the world, lead our lives, make choices, and interact with one another on both a personal and global scale.

Featuring a live performance by the Harvard Yardbirds, Harvard's acclaimed alumni a cappella group!

8:30 - 9am | Registration
9 - 9:30am | Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:30 - 11am | PANEL 1 - Just the Facts, Ma'am: The Power of Documentary Storytelling
11 - 11:15am | Break
11:15 - 12:45pm | PANEL 2 - The 21st Century Artist: Invisible Legislator, or Merely Invisible?
12:45pm | Lunch
1pm | Performance by the Harvard Yardbirds!

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2010 Harvard in Hollywood

The NEW New Media

Saturday, October 30, 2010
8:30am - 2pm
Luxe Hotel, 11461 Sunset Boulevard

Harvardwood, the Harvard Business School Association of Southern California, and the Harvard Club of Southern California are pleased to present the 5th annual HARVARD IN HOLLYWOOD symposium, entitled "The NEW New Media," sponsored by Level 3 Communications.

From YouTube to Hulu, from Twitter to Facebook, from Kindles to iPads, iPods, iPhones and everything in between, the NEW new media has revolutionized the way we interact with pop culture and entertainment. Come learn about topics including the impact of new media on traditional forms of entertainment, the role of social networking in the marketing and distribution of content, the evolving ways in which entertainment is made, defined, and consumed—and much more!

Featuring a live performance by the Harvard Yardbirds, Harvard's acclaimed alumni a cappella group!

8:30-9:00am | Registration and continental breakfast
9:00-9:30am | Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:30-11:00am | Panel 1 - SHOW ME THE MONEY: Who's Making Money in Digital Media (and How)?
11:00-11:15am | BREAK
11:15am - 12:45pm | Panel 2 - IS CONTENT STILL KING?: Storytelling and Storyselling in the Digital Age
12:45-2:00pm | LUNCH
1:15pm | Performance by the YARDBIRDS

Full members can view a video recording of the event. Make sure you are logged in to view.

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2008 Harvard in Hollywood

Entertainment, Media, and Politics

Saturday, September 20, 2008
8:30am - 1:30pm
Center at Cathedral Plaza, 555 W. Temple Street

Harvardwood, the Harvard Business School Association of Southern California, and the Harvard Club of Southern California are pleased to present the 4th annual HARVARD IN HOLLYWOOD symposium, entitled "Media, Entertainment and Politics". Come kick off the last 6 weeks of election season with us as we discuss the growing influence of media, entertainment and pop culture on the political sphere (and vice versa)! See below for a full list of panel topics and speakers.

8:30 - 9:30 am | Registration and continental breakfast
9:30 - 10:15 am | Keynote Address by Dan Glickman, President - Motion Picture Association of America
10:15 - 11:45 am | PANEL 1 – THE POLITICS OF ART: From “Richard III” to “W”
11:45 - 12:00 pm | Break
12:00 - 1:30 pm | PANEL 2 – THE ART OF POLITICS: Pundits and Bloggers and Spoofs, Oh My!

$40 for Full Members of Harvardwood, HBSASC, and HCSC
$50 for guests, Affiliates, and Friends of Harvardwood

Full members can view a video recording of the event. Make sure you are logged in to view.

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2007 Harvard in Hollywood

The Future of Film

Saturday, April 28, 2007
8:30am - 2pm
Luxe Hotel, 11461 Sunset Boulevard

Harvardwood, the Harvard Business School Association of Southern California, and the Harvard-Radcliffe Club of Southern California are pleased to present the third annual HARVARD IN HOLLYWOOD symposium:

8:30 - 9:00 am | Check-in, registration, and continental breakfast
9:00 - 9:45 am | Keynote address by Michael Lynton AB '82, MBA '87, Chairman and CEO, Sony Pictures.
9:45 - 11:15 am | Panel 1: "Blindfolds and Dartboards: What Movies Get Made and Why"
11:15 - 11:30 am | Break
11:30 am - 1:00 pm | Panel 2: "Are Movies Dead?"
1:00 - 2:30 pm | Buffet lunch

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2006 Harvard in Hollywood

Trends in TV

Saturday, April 22, 2006
8:30am - 2pm
Luxe Hotel, 11461 Sunset Boulevard

Harvardwood and the HBS Association of Southern California invite you to join us for Harvard in Hollywood 2006! The event will be held on Saturday, April 22 at the Luxe Hotel in Brentwood, CA. This year's theme is "Trends in Television"; confirmed alumni speakers include Paris Barclay (Director / Co-Exec Producer, "Cold Case"), Rich Battista (CEO of Gemstar / TV Guide), John Bowman (Exec Producer, "Cedric the Entertainer Presents"), Albert Cheng (EVP, Digital Media, ABC / Disney), Carlton Cuse (Exec Producer, "Lost"), Susanne Daniels (President, Lifetime), Becky Hartman Edwards (Co-Exec Producer, "Invasion"), Jeff Melvoin (Exec Producer, "In Justice"), and Winifred White Neisser (SVP, Movies for TV and Miniseries, Sony Pictures Television). Moderators will be Michelle Kung (writer, Entertainment Weekly) and Andy Wallenstein (TV Features Editor, The Hollywood Reporter).*

Gold Sponsor: The Hollywood Reporter

8:30 - 9:00 AM | Registration and Refreshments
9:00 - 9:30 AM | Welcome and Opening Address: "Trends in Television"
9:30 - 11:00 AM | Panel: "Pushing the Envelope: Trends in Storytelling"
11:00 - 11:15 AM | Break
11:15 - 12:45 PM | Panel: "21st Century TV: Television's Evolving Landscape"
12:45 - 2:00 PM | Buffet Lunch

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2005 Harvard in Hollywood

Harvard in Hollywood (Inaugural Event)

We’re very pleased by the success of our first-ever Harvard in Hollywood event, which we co-sponsored with the HAA, HBS Association of Southern California, and Harvard-Radcliffe Club of Southern California.

The event, held in Los Angeles on March 12, 2005, drew well over 500 alums and guests who heard 20 distinguished alums speak on various topics pertaining to the entertainment industry. Many thanks to our cosponsors, speakers, attendees, and in-kind donors for their contributions to this unprecedented event (see below for full thank-you list)

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